Our Foundation is Built on Gratitude
In October 2014, the owners of Interstate Companies were reflecting on how fortunate they had been and moved to create and provide the seed money for a private foundation to fund charitable causes. The Second Step Foundation was born. Three generations of the extended family agreed to share in the foundation’s operation and mission. Multiple family members agreed to serve on the foundation’s board of directors and took an active role in identifying registered not-for-profit organizations whose missions are consistent with the foundation’s goals.
In 2019, they expanded their efforts to include their family business, Interstate Companies, as a partner in the foundation. Now the family and Interstate Companies, along with many of its employees, actively support this foundation to bring good to non-profit organizations in every city in which the company operates.
In Our Communities,
Hunger Persists
Employees Fuel Our Efforts
Many critical needs surfaced in the foundation’s early years, but board members kept coming back to hunger. How can so many people go hungry in America – and the 30 markets served by Interstate Companies. Our mission is currently focused on alleviating hunger and supporting local food shelves.
We are linked to the ongoing success of Interstate, which contributes a portion of its operating profit to the foundation on behalf of employees working in the communities it serves.
“We make a living by what we
get, but we make a life by
what we give.”
Winston Churchill
Relief In Every City We Operate
Every year, SSF donates to organizations in the 30 communities served by Interstate’s divisions –
I-State Truck Centers, Interstate Power Systems, Interstate Energy Systems, Interstate Bearing Systems, and Interstate Assembly Systems.